we are children of the impossible. sprung full grown, like athena, from the fount of what could be. we are nothing but potent portents of that which is yet to come. at all times the best and worst of all that has been. our dreams speak mysteries into the deep, drawing, etching, bending reality to our will.
we are the children of the tomorrow. our very lives the playthings of flickle fate, faces fresh and hearts full we brave the unknown each day in search of the simplicity and structure found only in the mundane whilst we pine for the excitement that lies solely within the realm of the surreal.
we are the echoes of destiny. formed of the original substance, that creative spark, we are constantly seeking that indelible mark, that which sets us aside, individual, indivisible, uncommon conformity for which we are named,
we are only human.
This is a beautiful post, Joe.
thank you. wasn't really sure about it when I was writing, or when I was posting for that matter, so it's good to know you like it.
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